Continue to reach for the light

images (2)Now is the time to revel in your accomplishments and progress. You have worked very very hard and even though you cannot see the next steps clearly, they will be revealed on an as-needed basis. There is little benefit to revealing all to you at this moment. We ask that you trust and continue step-by-step with your loving heart and light-filled ways.

The smallest of steps and the simplest of ways positively impact the quantum matrix in significant ways. Please do not denigrate or belittle yourself, or your efforts. It all matters. The energies are like a spinning vortex, picking up mass and speed. These are energies of transformation. You, dearest ones, are part of this transformative global process. You are doing important work.

Simply be. Mindfully be. Do not over analyze or push yourself to distraction. Continue to commune with your higher self. Attend to symbols and signs around you. You are never alone. Reach for the light. Lead with your heart.

You are loved beyond measure.

And so it is.


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