The purpose of soul mates

Soul mates…you’re familiar with the term. Often people think it means the p-e-r-f-e-c-t match, the absolute one-and-only, or the one and only reason you have incarnated in this lifetime.

Soul mates are individuals with whom we share a karmic past and they come into our lives (again, and, often, again and again, throughout the ages) like sand in the oyster that catalyzes the creation of a pearl, layer by layer.

A soul mate can serve as an irritant, a stretcher, an eye-opener, a challenge as well as a sanctuary, vibrational match, or like home. In other words, soul mates, as the name implies, stretch our souls. The interaction with a soul mate can make us aware and move us into a place of higher consciousness. It is not a constant barrage of  hearts and flowers because the soul mate’s job is to help move us beyond our individual comfort zone and into an expanded awareness.

We might say the relationship provides a multidimensional push. If you are aware of these distinctions, you will be able to dissect the relationship into the 3D reality as well as the broader soul, higher self perspective. And that understanding will help you when the relationship has played out its purpose.

Gifts come in many forms and faces, right?


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