Take a step

Take a step, Lovies. Move out of you familiar spot. Breathe and stretch into a new position, way of being, point of focus. You are ready. Actually, you have been ready for a while. Stop obsessing, procrastinating, and overthinking. Just take a step. You know how it goes: one step leads to another step.

The current days are dark. You are needed to spread your light, your joy, your wisdom and, most especially, your heart. Compassion, empathy, charity, generosity, kindness, affection, caring and all of those heart-centered activities are needed and necessary.

Now, start with you. Extend your loving heart to you. Drop recriminations, guilt, barrages of unworthiness and defeat.

Love and care for you. Love and care for your neighbor. Love and care for the world.

And so it is.