Step onto the Light Train

The ascension process takes the concept of fast to warp speed. There is much work to reach that portal of ascension. There is the inner work of clearing and releasing, boring down into the depths of your being to resurrect your authentic, soulful self. However, once we commit to a life of higher service and alignment with the divine, things accelerate quickly.

Ascension does not mean death in this context. Ascension means accelerating your vibratory rate, expanding your consciousness and seeing with eyes of the heart. It is operating from a place of unconditional love and unconditional faith. It is believing that all will unfold perfectly. There is no worry. There is peace and equanimity within and without.

The ascension process is best visualized as an upward spiral with symbolic gateways along the way that progress to more expanded levels of connection with the Divine. Ascension is a process of moving to the Light. It is a process that has welcomed the shadow and incorporated and transmuted the shadow into the light, thereby expanding the individual radiance.

If you are ready for speed and acceleration, you are invited to step onto the Light train and travel the spiral pathway. As you do so, you increase your individual radiance. This not only assists you, but it also helps those who have preceded you and those who will proceed after you. Everything is connected.

When you have cleared and claimed, accepted and surrendered, and you feel ready on a soul level, you, too, will travel at the speed of light.

And so it is.