Light. Action. Better.

These are perilous times. The base elements and dark forces have come to the fore. They are frightening and intimidating. You can grow afraid. Where do I go? What do I do?

The answer is easy, Starfish. We ask you to tap into your higher self — the part of you that feels expansive and  connected to the All-Loving Presence — and act with love and compassion. Share and spread your light in every possible way. It can be the gentle smile, the helping hand, the standing up for the underdog. It’s what you call “Doing the right thing.” You know, Starfish, what that is.

Hold hands, if you will, with the All-Loving Presence. Connect into that expansiveness and possibilities. Breathe into your heart space. Do not let it contract and harden. Breathe more until you can rest the divine resonance.

Remember you are so much more. You are a spiritual and energetic being. Speak, act and do from the openness and expansiveness of your heart. Not only will you feel better, you will be working for the Light by being the Light that you are.

And so it is.

Love some more


Love some more.

Love again.

Love beyond reason,


without apology,

stretching your heart

with forgiveness

and acceptance.

Fill yourself

with compassion.

Untie the knots.

Clear the tangles.

Be vulnerable.

Share your sweet energies.

Show your creativity.

Fill your heart

with bubbles of


Love, hold and honor

the world,

your neighbor,

your family,

and, above all, yourself 

for the magnificence you are.

And so it is.  


The very bumpy trajectory towards The Shift

You are living in a time of great change. On the 3D level, there is much anger and fear circulating around and through you.

These days of chaos serve as the trajectory to the much-heralded shift in higher consciousness. Think of the toddler learning to walk. The little one learns to scootch, hold on to the coffee table and, eventually, take some faltering steps. Often, in this developmental process, the little one regresses and returns to crawling before walking once again.

Similarly, this process of a higher consciousness shift requires the energy of this back-and-forth momentum. The seething polarity is emblematic of this divisive momentum that breaks apart the old structures to make way for the new. In other words, the wide swings of polarity become part of the process of refinement and discernment.

Living in the 3D world with these heightened fears and angers is exhausting and obfuscates the higher perspective. During these tumultuous times, endeavor to operate in these light-filled ways as you navigate this bumpy trajectory from 3D to higher consciousness:

  • walk with integrity;
  • be truthful;
  • speak up for what’s important;
  • act with compassion;
  • be of service;
  • practice balance and detachment;
  • maintain your spiritual practice;
  • find succor with like-minded individuals;
  • pay attention to signs and symbols;
  • hold peace in your heart;
  • honor your light;
  • be kind to yourself;
  • remember to breathe, and breathe, again.

You are not alone. You have never been alone. Go forward.

If the 3D stressors become too much, stop and refill yourself. Everything is unfolding in perfect order.

And so it is.

Do I disappoint you, God?

lovelight-texture-no-1-pink-glitterificNo, you can never disappoint me. There is no such thing as disappointment in the higher realms. It is all the light. The light is the vibrational spectrum that opens consciousness and births compassion and expansiveness. When playing in the higher realms of light, there is no division; everything is part of the whole.

You look to find the feel-good vibration. Along the way, you may try this ‘n that and that ‘n this to discover what makes you feel good, happy, whole, yes? Those discoveries are short-lived; they do not sustain you over the long-run. You keeping hunting and pecking, tasting and trying to find what it is that can make you feel good.

What you do or don’t do is not as important as the intention with which you take actions for yourself or on behalf of others. Are you being loving? Are you being loving to yourself?

Are you able to look at yourself with light-filled eyes and see that your life is a progression? This progression is not linear, but a moment-by-moment change in amplitude. Whatever lights you up from the inside-out will help you find your happiness, wholeness and feel-good feelings.

Stop. Sink into your heart and see what feels good to you. There can be many answers; your earth is a veritable playground.

Do not beat yourself up for whatever humanness disturbs you. Understand why you made the choice or tried that particular path. Have compassion for the human who is working through feelings and history and mental constructs. Have compassion for the human who is learning that there is more beyond what the eye can see.

You are a magnificent being who is learning to open more fully into the light.

And so it is.

Jump. Jiggle. Giggle.

rumpusnetJump. Jiggle. Giggle. Giggle.

Do it again.

Wiggle your fingers.

Wriggle your toes.

Hands on your belly button.

Anything goes.

Jump. Jiggle. Giggle. Giggle.

Do it again.

Imagine a half-smile.

Hand on your heart.

Breathe horizontally

Through your four-chambered part.

Jump. Wiggle. Giggle. Giggle.

Do it again.

Dive into the deep and follow the flow

With erstwhile detection

Seeking the vibratory glow glow glow

Jump. Jiggle. Giggle. Giggle.

And do it again.

Aligned with the energies,

Riding the waves,

The heart of the matter

The matter of the heart.

When you’re in a conundrum

It’s a good way to start.

Jump. Wiggle. Giggle. Giggle.



10 reminders from your spiritual allies

images (3)Hello, Dearest Ones,

You fret too much and worry about the little things. Take a breath. Take another breath. You raised your soul hand to be here now, amidst the high-pitch of the global energies.

We understand you are feeling pushed and pulled. We understand you have been working so hard to make it all work.

This is what we want you to know:

  1. First, heal yourself.
  2. You are never alone. Ask for help. We, your metaphysical team, your spiritual allies are here. Align with our energies.
  3. Practice quietude.
  4. Be in nature.
  5. Go inward and raise your consciousness.
  6. Be flexible and allowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
  7. Lead with your heart; practice compassion towards yourself and others.
  8. Find delight, awe and gratitude in your daily life.
  9. Remember to have fun. Play. Giggle. Laugh. There is so much more before you.
  10. You are loved, always.

Go gently. Go mindfully. Go in peace.

And so it is.