Stop fretting

Dear Starfish,

Please no more fretting, worrying or dithering. We suggest you settle yourself, go inward, get rooted and then connect with your soul. You soul is your repository of your animating life force. Your soul holds your answers. And your soul connection allows inspiration and births epiphanies.

You connect with your soul through present time. Be it creativity, dream time, play time, noodling-around time or any time, when you suspend judgment, are open and allow, there can be connection and flow.

When you are in alignment with your soul, your life feels more expansive and possible. You are no longer hamstrung in powerlessness or futility. You are operating in the moment, at full power and with more options.

Jump into the flow of soul connection, dear Starfish. Your days will be lighter and brighter.

And so it is.

It’s coming

Dear Starfish,

We know you are trying. We know it has been challenging, and there are moments when you have lost your footing and, more importantly, questioned your faith. We ask you to take a deep breath. Stretch out all the kinks and stand anew, leaving your worries behind you.

In another dimension, you agreed to the path that is about to unfold before you. In your 3D incarnation, you do not remember these agreements, but rest assured these developments have been made with your full co-operation and collaboration. You have been shifting and unfolding and operating from a high heart. You are ready to step up to the multidimensional. You will like this. You will be like a fish to water. You will feel HOME.

Please do not fret. Go with the flow as much as you can. Say yes more than you say no. Listen well to your intuition.

You are loved, guided and protected.

And so it is.