Stop fretting

Dear Starfish,

Please no more fretting, worrying or dithering. We suggest you settle yourself, go inward, get rooted and then connect with your soul. You soul is your repository of your animating life force. Your soul holds your answers. And your soul connection allows inspiration and births epiphanies.

You connect with your soul through present time. Be it creativity, dream time, play time, noodling-around time or any time, when you suspend judgment, are open and allow, there can be connection and flow.

When you are in alignment with your soul, your life feels more expansive and possible. You are no longer hamstrung in powerlessness or futility. You are operating in the moment, at full power and with more options.

Jump into the flow of soul connection, dear Starfish. Your days will be lighter and brighter.

And so it is.

Stop in the Name of Love

The world is frenetic. You must stop, center and realign with the fullness that you are. 

Tap into the essence of you. Find the vibration of well-being and joy. Believe in your powers for good. Believe in your multidimensional abilities to make change, shift tides and make a difference.

But first, dear Starfish, start with you. Reclaim yourself. Slow down. Rest. Regroup. Put aside worry. Then, PLUG IN to Source. If you are at a loss, spend time in nature. Talk to trees, breathe with the waves, dream with the clouds. Recommit to your center, your stronghold of magic.

You are loved. You are guided. You are protected. Walk in peace. Walk with confidence.

And so it is.

Kryon: I Deserve It

Each one of you is unique on the planet. Each one has a life lesson that is unique. Each one has a unique pattern of lives lived in the past. That means your Akashic Record is like no one else’s, and your Higher-Self is also unique. This limits my ability to give you some kind of 3D generic list or way to heal yourself, since you are dealing with the specifics of “you.” So instead, why not sit down in a quiet moment, with purity, and say to Spirit…

“I would like these things. I give permission to activate the energies that need to be activated in my life, to accomplish the purposes I came for. I want to have joy in my life and to find the joy in my full Akash, for I deserve it and I’ve earned it. I’ve had positive, joyful lives, so I want to pull on that energy.”


Light. Action. Better.

These are perilous times. The base elements and dark forces have come to the fore. They are frightening and intimidating. You can grow afraid. Where do I go? What do I do?

The answer is easy, Starfish. We ask you to tap into your higher self — the part of you that feels expansive and  connected to the All-Loving Presence — and act with love and compassion. Share and spread your light in every possible way. It can be the gentle smile, the helping hand, the standing up for the underdog. It’s what you call “Doing the right thing.” You know, Starfish, what that is.

Hold hands, if you will, with the All-Loving Presence. Connect into that expansiveness and possibilities. Breathe into your heart space. Do not let it contract and harden. Breathe more until you can rest the divine resonance.

Remember you are so much more. You are a spiritual and energetic being. Speak, act and do from the openness and expansiveness of your heart. Not only will you feel better, you will be working for the Light by being the Light that you are.

And so it is.

Take a step

Take a step, Lovies. Move out of you familiar spot. Breathe and stretch into a new position, way of being, point of focus. You are ready. Actually, you have been ready for a while. Stop obsessing, procrastinating, and overthinking. Just take a step. You know how it goes: one step leads to another step.

The current days are dark. You are needed to spread your light, your joy, your wisdom and, most especially, your heart. Compassion, empathy, charity, generosity, kindness, affection, caring and all of those heart-centered activities are needed and necessary.

Now, start with you. Extend your loving heart to you. Drop recriminations, guilt, barrages of unworthiness and defeat.

Love and care for you. Love and care for your neighbor. Love and care for the world.

And so it is.



Try this challenge, dear ones

Try saying this silently to everyone and everything you see for thirty days and see what happens to your own soul:

“I wish you happiness now and whatever will bring happiness to you in the future.”

If we said it to the sky, we would have to stop polluting, if we said it to the ponds and lakes and streams, we would have to stop using them as garbage dumps and sewers; if we said it to small children we would have to stop abusing them, even in the name of training; if we said it to people, we would have to stop stoking the fires of enmity around us. Beauty and human warmth would take root in us like a clear, hot June day. We would change.

—from A Monastery Almanac (Benetvision) by the always wonderful Joan Chittister

Considering choice


What do you choose?

Are your choices made consciously?

Do you know why you make the choice you make?

Is your choice made out of fear, faith, obligation or with random abandon?

Are your choices predicated on the highest good for you and others?

Can you be true to the choices you make for you?

Do you have the strength to choose what is best for you even if it dismays others?

Do you remember to choose you?

Go gently and compassionately. Remember choice is a great individual power. May you use it for your highest good.

And so it is, dear ones.