Root deeply and climb under your skin

images 1abcEverything thing may feel a’jumbled. Breathe.

Breathe deep into your abdomen. Get into your body. Climb under your skin. Connect with the root core of your physical being.

Root deeply and reconnect with your body. Ground yourself and no longer be a talking head filled with racing thoughts.

Root deeply and reconnect with your body. Access your emotions and dive into the well of deep energies that lead to healing.

Root deeply and reconnect with your body. Reconnect with Spirit and travel the realms understanding your magnificence.

Root deeply and reconnect with your body. Reclaim yourself as the multidimensional being you are.

And so it is.

Open your window

bluewhirlThe window of change and opportunity is closer than you imagine. Don’t think too hard. You have been waiting for this step up, this step out, this moment to move you to a new way of being and into a place of transformative life. Now is the time. Your window is near.

When the opportunity, connection, invitation or unexpected opening comes, listen to your heart. Smile. Say, ‘”Thank you, God” and open the window. You have been asking and praying for some time now. And your willingness has made this possible. Put your ego-based fears to the side. And if this is your soul’s delight, do not hesitate and ride the new energies up to a new platform of being.

And so it is.



A time to trust

mascaraDearest Ones,

It is time to make amends and to repair the damage of ripped confidence and shredded self-esteem created when you dismissed or devalued your promises and commitments to yourself.

It is time to trust yourself again and to walk in congruence and to honor your personal vows. Your insides and outsides will hum in vibratory communion. You will feel your personal wellspring of power.

Mindfully and consciously, choose you.

Engage with yourself.

Talk to your Higher Self.

Play with your intuition.

Honor your Light and the wisdom of your soul.

Tap into your magnificence.

Trust yourself and plug into your expanded bandwidth of new possibilities.

You will feel stronger, braver, more grounded and happier.

And so it is.

Continue to reach for the light

images (2)Now is the time to revel in your accomplishments and progress. You have worked very very hard and even though you cannot see the next steps clearly, they will be revealed on an as-needed basis. There is little benefit to revealing all to you at this moment. We ask that you trust and continue step-by-step with your loving heart and light-filled ways.

The smallest of steps and the simplest of ways positively impact the quantum matrix in significant ways. Please do not denigrate or belittle yourself, or your efforts. It all matters. The energies are like a spinning vortex, picking up mass and speed. These are energies of transformation. You, dearest ones, are part of this transformative global process. You are doing important work.

Simply be. Mindfully be. Do not over analyze or push yourself to distraction. Continue to commune with your higher self. Attend to symbols and signs around you. You are never alone. Reach for the light. Lead with your heart.

You are loved beyond measure.

And so it is.


Advanced initiation is here

gentle flowers

It is with great joy and delight that we welcome you to this new day. Breathe deeply of the light. Root yourself securely into the earth plane so that you can travel more freely and fluidly with the incoming energies.

We, your galactic pals, encourage you to play freely and to tumble over one another in great happiness. When you are so serious or worried your world becomes smaller. It contracts. It’s as if you close all the windows and batten down the hatches. Your worry and gravity weigh you down. Your energies become static. There is no movement.

Play more. Worry less. Be creative and magnetize your possibilities. Open the windows to flowing high vibratory energies that can uplift you and lead you to new ways of being.

Advanced initiation is here.

Mary Message: Say yes to the light

images (1)Today is about your willingness to say yes to the light and to allow yourself to receive the grace that is yours.

To do this you must be open, receptive and willing to receive. I am not talking about a passive surrender. I am talking about a stepping up, stepping forward and a willingness to say yes.

It is the time to work arduously and steadfastly to make peace — to build bridges and repair the broken parts; come from a place of great love and respect for all as well as yourself.

I embrace each of you and shower you with light. Open your hearts to one another. Extend your hand and help one another. It is a time to build community. Show your love, your kindness.

Today, say yes. Yes to walking in the light, extending your hand; sharing your life; and seeing the light in everyone.

Do not be afraid, my children, I am with you — very close and very near. I feel the energy swirling as each of you open and expand your heart in ways you never thought possible. I applaud you for doing this and I am asking you to do more. Make peace and extend your compassion to your adversaries and those that you fear. We are all drops out of the same golden light.

Say yes. Say yes to the light. Say yes to your grace.

I am here. I am always with you. Do not be afraid. There is turmoil, there is change, but you are not alone. I ask you to say yes to all that you are. You are bigger than your small mind makes you out to be.

Say yes and be the most compassionate, the most peaceful, and the most honoring-not only of others, but especially of yourself. Hold yourself with the light that you are. Operate from the greatness that you are. Be the greatness that you are. Move beyond the small conflict of mind and operate from the wider and wider heart of love peace and compassion. This is what I ask of you, my children. Be the very best you can be. Understand that you are, and always will be, a vessel of light. It is your job to show and share your light.

There is no more hiding to be had. It is time to step forward and share your life through your gifts, graces, and being. Do not waste any more time worrying if you are good enough. You are good enough. You always have been and you always will be. Say yes to yourself. No more warring; no more petty wars within your psyche. Claim all of you, clear up what needs to be cleared up and step forward. No more fear, no more hiding. Be fearless, be vulnerable, and lead with your heart. You are loved beyond measure.

Go in peace and love.

Mary Message: Be the love      

PinkFlowers-lowres-300x300Open your hearts and allow the pain and suffering in the world to move you into places of action. The time is now to help your brother, sister, neighbor, friend and enemy. Nothing is lost by helping those in need and equalizing the playing field so that all have a chance at health and happiness.  Everything is gained by seeing yourself in the eyes of every person you meet.  Everything is gained by knowing that we are all connected; every action, every choice, every decision has a ripple effect that affects the collective.

Do not let the children suffer.  Do not let your neighbor go hungry.  Do not let the earth spoil.  These are the issues that matter.  Tend the sick and broken; the disenfranchised and the hungry; the desperate and the despairing.  Help one another.  Make peace with one another.  War accomplishes precious little; peace allows happiness and creativity to flower.

The world is in a tenuous place.  Create strength by finding your core and center.  Know what matters to your heart; know where you will draw a line; know where you will step up.  Pray for peace.

Be the peace.  Be the light.  Be the love.  And change the world.

And so it is.

St. Germain and doing the “Up Spiral”

Spiral-400x488This piece was written with through the generosity of St. Germain. (Quotes are italicized.)

All of us would all agree that life is going faster and faster by the minute. We can’t stay on top of everything, much less get everything done. And there is change everywhere. Much of what we have been taught as real is being shown to be anything but real.

And we have learned that when we disengage energetically – in other words, unplug from our connection with Spirit – we feel as if we are in free fall. And when in free fall, we get overwhelmed. We doubt. We wonder if we are doing the right thing.

We know we raised our respective soul hands to be here now, at this time in history, at this point of evolution. We said, “Yes!” way back when but it can be difficult to make sense of all the changes and the fast-charging energies.

The French philosopher, paleontologist, and Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Jardin said: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” The Ascended Master, St. Germain would tweak that and says:  “You are a master having a human experience.”

As we traverse this path of mastery, we are being led to spiral up or UP SPIRAL. Up spiral, as the name suggests, is all about moving to higher dimensions and frequencies. Through this spiraling, Spirit is wrapping us as well as blending and integrating the higher energies within us. And this idea of integration can be a thrill as well as a fear.

You have heard of rules for the road, allow us to introduce these 10 reminders and guidelines for moving up, up, up the spiral.

  1. LET GO of doing
  1. ALLOW yourself to keep moving…not trying…feel the energy move you forward and allow yourself to go with it as if you are a helium balloon bumping along.
  1. Please know you are not nearly as disconnected from Source as you think you are.
  1. There are things that are opening up to be revealed to you in divinely (emphasis divinely) appropriate time.
  1. We say it time and time again, TRUST your intuition.
  1. Everything is in DIVINE ORDER.
  1. The finite mind cannot intellectually resolve all of the points of opposition. Therefore, it will take up-spiraled higher consciousness to help realign our reality with a whole new perspective.
  1. FINDING OUR BALANCE in all of this new reality is all about constantly re-adjusting. It’s like standing on a log on a river and you are running in place to keep your balance, but you can’t run that fast. The balance will be brought to you. (And this, to me, feels like grace.)
  1. REMEMBER, you are a master of your human experience. You have disbelieved yourself for far too long. You don’t have to learn. You don’t have to try. Just allow. It’s easier than you think. And it’s comfortable, joy-filled, and not hard work and there is no competition. The process does not have to be difficult or fearful. It is as gently illuminating as you would allow it.
  1. LOOK WITHIN, this is the key. Look at life through the small end of the binoculars where everything gets clear. Meet your fears and suddenly see aspects of your fears that are enlightening. (This reminds me of the Zen concept of befriending your demons.)

Think for yourself. Open the gates to higher dimensional frequency and look inside for the mysteries. It is readily available and clearly within. Pay attention beyond what you see and hear. This is where you will find yourself, your temple, the temple of the master. The world cannot enter into the holy temple of any master.

And when you look deep within, are you willing to trust yourself?

Beloved Masters, every event, every step you take, every breath, every move is about defining yourself as a master. Each choice is a master’s choice. Every potential requires you to be faithful to yourself and to live the truth of you in a powerfully courageous way, not as a warrior, but as a master making choices in compassionate objectivity, living clearly and being true. The more you are true to your standard, the more you find you are loved and constantly cared for and protected.

You are the one you have been looking for in lifetimes. You are the love. You are the one you have waited for. It has always been there inside of you, right where you are. You are waking up to this realization. And, so it is.


Mary Message: Do not be afraid

The world is chaotic, and will continue to be as the baser vibrations look to trump the higher, cooperative vibrations. Take heart; take heed, and walk in faith. Have the faith to trust yourself, your instincts, your intuition, and your heart-centered belief on what is right to do for yourself and, in doing so, what is right for the world.

These are the moments that have been prophesied; these are the moments your soul has been waiting for.  There is a corner to be turned, and if you can stay out of the cycle of fear and panic, you can and you will move forward.

Be gentle with yourself, be gentle with others.  There is no enemy save the lower consciousness and its concomitant vibrations. This can be combated with high vibratory energies and consciousness.

How?  Through your thoughts, your actions, your beliefs and your willingness to take steps of service to help heal the plane, you can co-create the shift with others. If you operate at your highest level and best self, there is nothing to fear. Do not let fear pull you off center.  Do not let fear close your heart.  Do not let fear close your extended hand into a fist. Do not let fear invade your mind like a parasite and live off your healthy tissue.

The stronger your consciousness and awareness, the more you will be able to see and discern. It is time to wake up from the long nap of non-engagement.  It is time to engage fully and wholly with yourself and with your soul.

Be very discerning.  Pay close attention. You will know what resonates with your heart. And it is the light of the heart that will lead you through the darkness.

Go in grace.