Life Reminders, Starfish

Dearest Starfish,

Don’t fret. Yes, the world is chaotic in its 3D way. It weighs heavily on you. You feel it all with your tender heart.

A few bon mots, if you will, to help you carry forward:

~Your soul has all the answers you need.

~As the Ancients taught, if you don’t know what to do, do nothing.

~Keep your word to yourself. It will strengthen your sense of self.

~Be an eagle: take the long view and see the big picture.

~Laugh: it’s the perfect reset button.

~Compassion and kindness open the heart and uplift the spirit.

~Practice moments of quiet.

~Embrace Mother Nature.

~Be gentle with yourself.

~Ask for help.


And so it is.

Stop fretting

Dear Starfish,

Please no more fretting, worrying or dithering. We suggest you settle yourself, go inward, get rooted and then connect with your soul. You soul is your repository of your animating life force. Your soul holds your answers. And your soul connection allows inspiration and births epiphanies.

You connect with your soul through present time. Be it creativity, dream time, play time, noodling-around time or any time, when you suspend judgment, are open and allow, there can be connection and flow.

When you are in alignment with your soul, your life feels more expansive and possible. You are no longer hamstrung in powerlessness or futility. You are operating in the moment, at full power and with more options.

Jump into the flow of soul connection, dear Starfish. Your days will be lighter and brighter.

And so it is.

Light. Action. Better.

These are perilous times. The base elements and dark forces have come to the fore. They are frightening and intimidating. You can grow afraid. Where do I go? What do I do?

The answer is easy, Starfish. We ask you to tap into your higher self — the part of you that feels expansive and  connected to the All-Loving Presence — and act with love and compassion. Share and spread your light in every possible way. It can be the gentle smile, the helping hand, the standing up for the underdog. It’s what you call “Doing the right thing.” You know, Starfish, what that is.

Hold hands, if you will, with the All-Loving Presence. Connect into that expansiveness and possibilities. Breathe into your heart space. Do not let it contract and harden. Breathe more until you can rest the divine resonance.

Remember you are so much more. You are a spiritual and energetic being. Speak, act and do from the openness and expansiveness of your heart. Not only will you feel better, you will be working for the Light by being the Light that you are.

And so it is.

Wrong turn at the Milky Way?

Sometimes it feels like that, doesn’t it?

Truth is, Starfish, you are e-x-a-c-t-l-y where you are supposed to be. You choose this lifetime, these experiences and all those relationships to accelerate and enhance your growth.

No frowning, please. Lest you forget, this is a journey of consciousness.  And, yes, it can be bumpy, aggravating and down-right confusing. And still, you are here, knee-deep in Planet Earth.

Until the relatives show up, enjoy it all. Have fun. Be detached. Risk a little more. Love a lot.

And so it is from the Greater Galaxies.